Players pay a state membership fee with Volleyball Victoria which includes player insurance and a stack of benefits. Membership periods run from April 1st to March 31st each year. Our programs are offered in the following age groups:
SPIKEZONE program participants ages 8 to 12
JUNIOR development program ages 13 to 17
SENIOR social & competitive players 18+
Note: players may be invited to participate in higher level programs​
Register with Volleyball Victoria here.
Pay the Surf Coast Volleyball Association term membership prior to playing. You can choose to pay at the start of each term or annually. The SCVA fee varies between $70-$100 per term depending on competition/program or choose to pay annually and receive a discount. Payments can be made online here or via bank transfer:
Surf Coast Volleyball Assoc INC
Bank Account number - BSB 633000 ACC 169889177
Please put your name in the description
Online and courtside payment options are now available by card/tap.
Check out the shop for online payment options.